Team History
The team 287 came into existence during the 2017-2018 season: Ringmaster. That team had placed 1st in state and had made it to VEX worlds which was held in Lousiville Kentucky. From that year at least one team from the club has been invited to attend the worlds competition. This team hopes to continue the footsteps of alumni of the club while making new ones.
Game Challenge
The Vex IQ 2020-2021 challenge Rise Above portrayed many difficulties. A major one being the new field dimensions for the whole game. This means that the coding, driving, and building of the robot will be taken in a different direction than those of the previous challenges. The scoring objects, Risers, 8.7 inches tall and 7 inches wide. Each field consists of a total of 27 risers. The object of the game is to score as many points by placing risers in the goal,completing stacks, and completing rows.There are 9 risers of each color; orange, purple and teal.A completed row means that there is one row of just one color and a completed stack means one stack of just one color. Scoring is done based on risers. A stacked riser is worth 1 point. A completed row is 3 points. A completed stack is 30 points. For further rules, please access the VEX IQ game manual: Game Manual