
  1. Career Readiness Essay Challenge: Lead by Georgina
  2. The STEM Career Readiness Challenge is a challenge sponsored by VEX IQ- where entrants design an entry about a STEM career that interests them. We have already submitted our essay; focusing on the career of Cardiology, which includes how the competitive robotics and cardiology are intertwined, and other factors that make for a successful entry.

  3. Website Challenge: Lead by Ria
  4. The Robotics Team Website Challenge is based off of a carefully coded and constructed website, which promotes one’s robotics team in all of its entirety. Ria is taking the lead on this challenge, and as we speak, is working hard to tell not only our story; but to promote youth robotics in general.

  5. Engineer Notebook
  6. The Engineering Notebook Challenge requires students to create a notebook to document their STEM journey throughout the competition season. In our online notebook, we document not only our successes, but our failures, our design plans, brainstorming, and more to record our design process throughout the year.

  7. CoderZ Challenge
  8. This year we are competitors in the 2020 Coderz League; a rigorous competition designed to test all of our coding skills, using a system of levels. These levels prove to be more challenging as they are solved, bettering not only creative problem-solving skills, but also computational mastery as well.