About Us

We are the 287g STEAM team. This team is located in Northern New Jersey and competes in regional robotics competitions. Each member of the STEAM team holds strong interests in science.

Meet the Team

  • Ria

    Programmer & Website Designer

    This is Ria's second year competing for VEX IQ. She enjoys playing badminton with friends and family, coding, and studying science. She hopes to deepen her knowledge in science in the future.

  • Riyashi

    Builder & Designer

    This is Riyashi’s second year competing with VEX IQ. She loves to build and design robots. She was interested in coding and robotics from a young age and has since then been learning more and more about both topics. She also enjoys ice skating recreationally.

  • Georgina

    Writer & Driver

    This is Georgina's second year competing with VEX IQ. She loves to bake, read, and play sports in her free time. She enjoys designing robots and learning in all fields of STEAM. She participates in other clubs such as Odyssey of the Mind.

Programming and Web Developing


  • 4 Languages
  • 6 Files
  • CountlessHours
  • 70 Autonomous in practice

Ria is our lead programmer. In VEX IQ competitions, a part of the competition is an autonomous component where the robot must score points with no driver control. The points and robots rely on the code. Ria used VEX IQ code blocks, the code software given to us by the competition. Using the code, the robot has to navigate through the 6 feet by 8 feet field and be able to score. Ria was also the web developer. She created the site and added the information that the team as a whole created. Using a template which consists of CSS and JS, Ria developed the site using HTML. The site was constantly updated and showed our progress as time went on.


Riyashi is our lead builder and designer. Due to online learning, our robot and building phase has been halted. Our robot currently consists of a 4 bar lift and a passive claw.


Check out our other pages.